18 December 2011

National Anthem Project: Chile

This week we put the spotlight on Chile! When I lived in Venezuela, my best friend was a Chilean kid named Mauricio Muñoz. Que fue, hermanazo! Chile's National Anthem titled Himno Nacional Chileno, and also referred to as Cancion Nacional, has one of the more interesting stories I've encountered. Turns out, Chile has had two National Anthems.
"The National Anthem of Chile (Spanish: Himno Nacional de Chile) is also known as Canción Nacional (National Song). It has a history of two lyrics and two melodies that made up three different versions."
How's that for scandalous?

The version used today was composed by Ramón Carnicer, with lyrics by Eusebio Lillo. I recommend you read the wikipedia entry on Cancion Nacional. There's a whole thing about Pinochet re-instating a third Verse because it exalted the armed forces.

Ciao, Erik Barragan

12 December 2011

New Madrid at Bowery Electric

Last Thursday, we played our last show of the year at The Bowery Electric. It was a fucking blast; definitely, the way to end 2011. Not only did Hecho en Brooklyn, The Walnuts and Mama's Dirty Lil' Secret rock the Hell out of that stage, not only was the crowd aching to have a wild time, but we showcased two never-before heard songs. Our new, and as of yet untitled, composition, and Imagine in honor of John Lennon's death. The new song was one of the favorites of the night; plus, everyone sang along to Imagine. We did La Araña as an encore and three hot ladies came on stage to dance with us. Gracias, preciosuras!

Go to Feast of Music, to read our new friend, Sky Disco's take on that wonderfully sexy night. Eres lo maximo, Sky!

A big thank you to Nick Schupak from Citizen Music and talent buyer for The Bowery Electric. More thank-yous to all of you for making 2011 a great year for New Madrid. Coming up in 2012 a new single followed by a new EP and so much more.

Photo by Geovani Rodriguez

Photo by Gia Jordan

Photo by Gia Jordan

Photo by Gia Jordan

Photo by Gia Jordan

Photo by Gia Jordan

Photo by Gia Jordan

Photo by Anna Finke

Photo by Anna Finke

Photo by Eric Smith

Photo by Gia Jordan

Keep your ears to the ground. Our new single is dropping soon.

Erik Barragan

10 December 2011

National Anthem Project: Peru

Continuamos con el National Anthem Project; we're powering through. The idea is to showcase all Latin American National Anthems, while having the most fun. We've only just scratched the surface; nos faltan Paraguay, Bolivia, Chile, plus all Central America and Mexico.

Hoy, nos dedicamos a Peru. Un abrazo a nuestros hermanos Peruanos! I love this National Anthem, and I love the version I found on You Tube. It's called Marcha Nacional Peruana with lyrics by Jose de la Torre Ugarte and music by Jose Bernardo Alcedo. I keep replaying it as I type. Enjoy!

Marcha Nacional Peruana

Somos libres
seámoslo siempre, seámoslo siempre
y antes niegue sus luces
sus luces, sus luces el Sol!
Que faltemos al voto solemne
que la patria al Eterno elevó,
Que faltemos al voto solemne
que la patria al Eterno elevó.
Que faltemos al voto solemne
que la patria al Eterno elevo.

Largo tiempo el peruano oprimido
la ominosa cadena arrastró
condenado a una cruel servidumbre
largo tiempo, largo tiempo,
largo tiempo en silencio gimió.
Mas apenas el grito sagrado
¡Libertad! en sus costas se oyó
la indolencia del esclavo sacude
la humillada, la humillada,
la humillada cerviz levantó,
la humillada cerviz levantó, cerviz levantó...


Y al estruendo de broncas cadenas
que escuchamos tres siglos de horror,
de los libres al grito sagrado
que oyó atónito el mundo, cesó.
Por doquier San Martín inflamado,
libertad, libertad, pronunció,
y meciendo su base los Andes
la anunciaron, también, a una voz.

Con su influjo los pueblos despiertan
y cual rayo corrió la opinión;
desde el istmo a las tierras del fuego,
desde el fuego a la helada región.
Todos juran romper el enlace
que Natura a ambos mundos negó,
y quebrar ese cetro que España
reclinaba orgullosa en los dos.

Lima cumple ese voto solemne,
y, severa, su enojo mostró,
al tirano impotente lanzando,
que intentaba alargar su opresión.
A su esfuerzo saltaron los grillos
y los surcos que en sí reparó,
le atizaron el odio y venganza
que heredara de su Inca y Señor.

Compatriotas, no más verla esclava.
Si humillada tres siglos gimió,
para siempre jurémosla libre,
manteniendo su propio esplendor.
Nuestros brazos, hasta hoy desarmados
estén siempre cebando el cañón,
que algún día las playas de Iberia
sentirán de su estruendo el terror.

Erik Barragan

05 December 2011

Last Show of the Year

The New Madrid Blog is back! We apologize for the absence; minor computer problems, you know. Here are some news:

We're playing our last show of the year this Thursday, December 8th at The Bowery Electric. We go on at 10, but come early and hang out; we miss you all. Recording for our new single is moving swiftly, just a couple of more sessions, and you'll have a new New Madrid song that'll make you shake your asses; tell your friends. Also, our blog has a brand new look. You dig?

Here's a video of us playing Cataclysmo at Inti Maldonado's studio in Long Island City; enjoy. See you Thursday!

02 November 2011

New Madrid at Pianos 09/09/11

Here are some pictures of our September 9th show at Pianos. Seems so long ago, doesn't it? Thank you for the photos, Dennis Manuel!

Don't miss our next show, December 9th at Cake Shop. New songs, muy sexy.

Erik Barragan

27 October 2011

Argentina's National Anthem

This week, we turn our attention to Argentina, one of U.N.'s founding countries; plus they boast three major advances in the treatment of heart disease. Domingo Liotta designed and developed the first artificial heart successfully implanted in a human being in 1969. René Favaloro developed the techniques and performed the world's first ever coronary bypass surgery, and Francisco de Pedro invented a more reliable artificial cardiac pacemaker.

Argentina's National Anthem (Himno Nacional Argentino) was composed by Blas Parera with lyrics by Vicente López y Planes.

Oíd, mortales, el grito sagrado:
"¡Libertad! ¡Libertad! ¡Libertad!"
Oíd el ruido de rotas cadenas
ved en trono a la noble igualdad

Ya su trono dignísimo abrieron
las Provincias Unidas del Sud
y los libres del mundo responden:
"¡Al gran pueblo argentino, salud!"
"¡Al gran pueblo argentino, salud!"
Y los libres del mundo responden:
"¡Al gran pueblo argentino, salud!"
Y los libres del mundo responden:
"¡Al gran pueblo argentino, salud!"

Sean eternos los laureles,
que supimos conseguir,
que supimos conseguir.
Coronados de gloria vivamos...
o juremos con gloria morir!
O juremos con gloria morir!
O juremos con gloria morir!

Erik Barragan

25 October 2011

Soberano Live at Bowery Electric

Last Tuesday, we played Bowery Electric for the CitizenMusic & Blackbook CMJ Showcase; it was a blast. Our friends Penrose and Toy Soldiers from Philly were among the awesome bands of the night. The Shake's set was adrenaline. Plus, we melted some faces. Fun fucking time.

Here's a video of Soberano. I recommend you maximize the video; it will maximize your enjoyment.

Erik Barragan

19 October 2011

Brazil's National Anthem

With all the preparation for CMJ, the hours we're putting at the studio to record our new single and the fact that I was out of town for a wedding, I failed to showcase a Latin American National Anthem last week. Worry not, we're back on track.

I give you Brazil's National Anthem (Hino Nacional Brasileiro), composed by Francisco Manuel da Silva. Historically, the National Anthem was "given two sets of unofficial lyrics before a 1922 decree by President Epitácio Pessoa gave the anthem its definitive, official lyrics, by Osório Duque-Estrada". Give it a listen; let your ears wander.

First Chorus
Ouviram do Ipiranga as margens plácidas
De um povo heróico o brado retumbante,
E o sol da Liberdade, em raios fúlgidos,
Brilhou no céu da Pátria nesse instante.

Se o penhor dessa igualdade
Conseguimos conquistar com braço forte,
Em teu seio, ó Liberdade,
Desafia o nosso peito a própria morte!

Ó Pátria amada,
Salve! Salve!

Brasil, um sonho intenso, um raio vívido,
De amor e de esperança à terra desce,
Se em teu formoso céu, risonho e límpido,
A imagem do Cruzeiro resplandece.

Gigante pela própria natureza,
És belo, és forte, impávido colosso,
E o teu futuro espelha essa grandeza.

Terra adorada
Entre outras mil
És tu, Brasil,
Ó Pátria amada!

Dos filhos deste solo
És mãe gentil,
Pátria amada,

Second Chorus
Deitado eternamente em berço esplêndido,
Ao som do mar e à luz do céu profundo,
Fulguras, ó Brasil, florão da América,
Iluminado ao sol do Novo Mundo!

Do que a terra mais garrida
Teus risonhos, lindos campos têm mais flores,
"Nossos bosques têm mais vida",
"Nossa vida" no teu seio "mais amores". (*)

Ó Pátria amada,
Salve! Salve!

Brasil, de amor eterno seja símbolo
O lábaro que ostentas estrelado,
E diga o verde-louro dessa flâmula
- Paz no futuro e glória no passado.

Mas se ergues da justiça a clava forte,
Verás que um filho teu não foge à luta,
Nem teme, quem te adora, a própria morte.

Terra adorada
Entre outras mil
És tu, Brasil,
Ó Pátria amada!

Dos filhos deste solo
És mãe gentil,
Pátria amada,

Erik Barragan

10 October 2011

New Madrid CMJ Promo

New Madrid is very excited to announce we will be playing the Citizen Music & Blackbook Magazine CMJ Showcase on Tuesday, October 18th at Bowery Electric. CMJ badge honored and $4 without a badge.

Come support your local New Madrid; we go on at 8. Here's the promo:

Erik Barragan

07 October 2011

Venezuela's National Anthem

We continue our exploration of the different Latin American National Anthems. Today, we turn our attention to Venezuela, land of the Miss Universe schools, telenovelas, Hugo Chavez and one of the top ten exporters of crude oil in the world.

The National Anthem is titled Gloria Al Bravo Pueblo. The lyrics were written by Vicente Salias and the music by Juan Jose Landaeta. It was officially adopted as a National Anthem in 1881. The anthem is also known as La Marsellesa Venezolana (Venezuelan Marseillaise), in reference to its subtle similarity to the French national anthem. I've posted the lyrics below, so you can all sing along.

Gloria Al Bravo Pueblo


Gloria al bravo pueblo
que el yugo lanzó,
la Ley respetando
la virtud y honor.

¡Abajo cadenas!
Gritaba el Señor;
y el pobre en su choza
libertad pidió.
A este santo nombre
tembló de pavor
el vil egoísmo
que otra vez triunfó.


Gritemos con brío
¡Muera la opresión!
Compatriotas fieles,
la fuerza es la unión;
y desde el empíreo,
el Supremo Autor
un sublime aliento
al pueblo infundió.

Unida con lazos
que el cielo formó,
la América toda
existe en nación;
y si el despotismo
levanta la voz
seguid el ejemplo
que Caracas dió.

Erik Barragan

04 October 2011

New Madrid October 7th Promo

We're playing a show at Cameo on Friday, October 7th. We open for Luis Terreros, who is releasing his new album, Trivialidades, that night. No cover!

Here's the flyer. Nos vemos.

Erik Barragan

29 September 2011

New Madrid at Cameo 10/07

We're playing a show at Cameo on Friday, October 7th. We're the opening act for Luis Terreros, an Ecuadorian artist releasing his new album, Trivialidades, that night. No cover, come party!

Also, I know you're all wondering where this week's National Anthem is. Don't fret, we're continuing next week with Venezuela. Did you know my brother and I lived in Venezuela for two years?

Erik Barragan

27 September 2011

New Single

New Madrid is currently working with producer Inti Maldonado on a new single. Last week, we went to his studio in Long Island City to begin rehearsals for the recording. It was a very productive experience, and we can't wait to show you the results.

Here are some pics.


I've added extra pages to the New Madrid Blog.

Paraphrased from my Chords and Words website:
I've created four extra pages: bio, videos, fotos and booking to swiftly inform visitors on who we are; what we do; and how they can get in touch with us. Both the video and foto pages will serve as an archive of all the visual and audio-visual media related to New Madrid shows, and life in general.
Feel free to peruse.

Erik Barragan

20 September 2011

Colombia's National Anthem

We continue our exploration of the different National Anthems throughout Latin America. This week, we focus on Colombia. Colombia, preciosa tierra de paisajes majestuosos y mujeres bellas, like Ecuador, Colombia is one of the 17 megadiverse countries. Plus, that's where my mom is from. Hola mami!

Himno Nacional de la Republica de Colombia is the official title of the anthem; although, it's commonly known as O, Gloria Inmarcesible. "It was was largely the creation of José Domingo Torres, an actor from Bogotá, who took a poem written by former Colombian president Rafael Núñez and asked a friend, opera singer Oreste Sindici, to set it to music" (wiki entry). Usually, only the chorus and the first verse are sung. I've included the lyrics for your convenience.

Himno Nacional de la Republica de Colombia


¡Oh gloria inmarcesible!
¡Oh júbilo inmortal!
En surcos de dolores
El bien germina ya.

Cesó la horrible noche,
La libertad sublime
Derrama las auroras
De su invencible luz.
La humanidad entera,
Que entre cadenas gimev Comprende las palabras
Del que murió en la cruz

"¡ Independencia!" grita
el mundo americano;
se baña en sangre de héroes
la tierra de Colón.
Pero este gran principio:
"el rey no es soberano".
Resuena, y los que sufren,
Bendicen su pasión.

Del Orinoco el cauce
Se colma de despojos;
De sangre y llanto un río
Se mira allí correr.
En Bárbula no saben,
Las almas ni los ojos,
Si admiración o espanto
Sentir o padecer.

A orillas del Caribe
Hambriento un pueblo lucha.
Horrores prefiriendo
A pérfida salud.
¡Oh si!, de Cartagena
la abnegación es mucha,
y escombros de la muerte
desprecia su virtud.

De Boyacá en los campos
El genio de la gloria,
Con cada espiga un héroe,
Invicto coronó.
Soldados sin coraza
Ganaron la victoria;
Su varonil aliento
De escudo les sirvió.

Bolívar cruza el Ande,
Que riegan dos océanos:
Espadas cual centellas
Fulguran en Junín.
Centauros indomables
Descienden a los llanos,
Y empieza a presentirse
De la epopeya el fin.

La trompa victoriosa
En Ayacucho truena;
Que en cada triunfo crece
Su formidable son.
En su expansivo empuje
La libertad se estrena
Del cielo americano
Formando un pabellón.

La Virgen sus cabellos
Arranca en agonía,
Y de su amor viuda,
Los cuelga del ciprés.
Lamenta su esperanza
Que cubre losa fría,
Pero glorioso orgullo,
Circunda su alba tez.

La patria así se forma
Termópilas brotando;
Constelación de cíclopes
Su noche iluminó.
La flor estremecida,
Mortal el viento hallando,
Debajo los laureles
Seguridad buscó.

Más no es completa gloria
Vencer en la batalla,
Que al brazo que combate
Lo anima la verdad
La independencia sola
El gran clamor no acalla:
Si el sol alumbra a todos,
Justicia es libertad.

Del hombre los derechos
Nariño predicando,
El alma de la lucha
Profético enseñó.
Ricaute en San Mateo,
En átomos volando,
" deber antes que vida",
con llamas escribió.

Erik Barragan

15 September 2011

13 September 2011

National Anthem Project

I've always loved National Anthems; at best, they embody the righteous anger of revolution, or the will to have faith in the midst of war. At worst, they're just an opportunity for a pop-star to show off their vocals. In the coming weeks, I'll be posting different National Anthems from all over Latin America. Consider it auditory traveling.

We begin with Ecuador, whose capital is Quito, and is one of the 17 megadiverse countries. The Ecuadorian National Anthem, titled "Salve, O Patria", was written in 1865 by Juan León Mera and Antonio Neumane. Although, Ecuadorians officially sing only the chorus and the second verse of the composition, the anthem has six verses. I've posted the lyrics under the video. Enjoy!

Salve, O Patria

¡Salve, Oh Patria, mil veces! ¡Oh Patria,
gloria a ti! Ya tu pecho rebosa
gozo y paz, y tu frente radiosa
más que el sol contemplamos lucir.

Indignados tus hijos del yugo
que te impuso la ibérica audacia,
de la injusta y horrenda desgracia
que pesaba fatal sobre ti,
santa voz a los cielos alzaron,
voz de noble y sin par juramento,
de vengarte del monstruo sangriento,
de romper ese yugo servil.

Los primeros los hijos del suelo
que, soberbio, el Pichincha decora
te aclamaron por siempre señora
y vertieron su sangre por ti.
Dios miró y aceptó el holocausto,
y esa sangre fue germen fecundo
de otros héroes que, atónito, el mundo
vio en tu torno a millares surgir.

Cedió al fin la fiereza española,
y hoy, oh Patria, tu libre existencia
es la noble y magnífica herencia
que nos dio el heroísmo feliz:
de las manos paternas la hubimos,
nadie intente arrancárnosla ahora,
ni nuestra ira excitar vengadora
quiera, necio o audaz, contra si.

De esos héroes el brazo de hierro
nada tuvo invencible la tierra
y del valle a la altísima sierra
se escuchaba el fragor de la lid;
tras la lid la victoria volaba,
libertad tras el triunfo venía,
y al león destrozado se oía
de impotencia y despecho rugir

Nadie, oh Patria, lo intente. Las sombras
de tus héroes gloriosos nos miran
y el valor y el orgullo que inspiran
son augurios de triunfos por ti.
Venga el hierro y el plomo fulmíneo,
que a la idea de guerra y venganza
se despierta la heroica pujanza
que hizo al fiero español sucumbir.


Y si nuevas cadenas prepara
la injusticia de bárbara suerte,
¡gran Pichincha! prevén tú la muerte
de la Patria y sus hijos al fin;
hunde al punto en tus hondas entrañas
cuando existe en tu tierra; el tirano
huelle solo cenizas y en vano
busque rastro de ser junto a ti.

Erik Barragan

06 September 2011

New Madrid Updates

Foto by Anna Finke

Saludos a todos, It's been a very busy two weeks since our last update, so here's a couple of news items to keep you in the loop.

On Saturday, August 20th, we played a little-too-late benefit for the West Memphis Three at Fontanas. I say a little too late because they were released on the 19th of August, one day before we could lend our Spanglish songs to help out. The gig itself was awesome; we finally got to hang out with and listen to our friends The Barrens while drinking beer, tequila and whisky. New Madrid took the stage at 10pm, and everyone bumped and grinded till we were done. At one point, beauties Pepper and Paige climbed onto the stage to dance La Araña!

Foto by Anna Finke

Onto another subject, New Madrid will soon begin a Kickstarter Campaign to collect funds to record a new EP. We will have surprises and prizes for those of you who generously give to the cause. More news as they develop.

Finally, this Friday, September 9th, we're playing Citizenmusic's C-Fest 2011, a three night event featuring the best bands New York City has to offer. It starts this Friday at Pianos on the LES, where New Madrid will take the stage at 10pm.

And that's it for our update. Don't forget New Madrid plays at Pianos this Friday, September 9th at 10pm. Go to the facebook invite.

Erik Barragan