29 September 2011
New Madrid at Cameo 10/07
We're playing a show at Cameo on Friday, October 7th. We're the opening act for Luis Terreros, an Ecuadorian artist releasing his new album, Trivialidades, that night. No cover, come party!
Also, I know you're all wondering where this week's National Anthem is. Don't fret, we're continuing next week with Venezuela. Did you know my brother and I lived in Venezuela for two years?
Erik Barragan
anthony formichella,
axel ito,
erik barragan,
luis terreros,
new madrid,
27 September 2011
New Single
New Madrid is currently working with producer Inti Maldonado on a new single. Last week, we went to his studio in Long Island City to begin rehearsals for the recording. It was a very productive experience, and we can't wait to show you the results.
Here are some pics.
I've added extra pages to the New Madrid Blog.
Paraphrased from my Chords and Words website:
Erik Barragan
Here are some pics.
I've added extra pages to the New Madrid Blog.
Paraphrased from my Chords and Words website:
I've created four extra pages: bio, videos, fotos and booking to swiftly inform visitors on who we are; what we do; and how they can get in touch with us. Both the video and foto pages will serve as an archive of all the visual and audio-visual media related to New Madrid shows, and life in general.Feel free to peruse.
Erik Barragan
anthony formichella,
axel ito,
erik barragan,
inti maldonado,
new madrid,
20 September 2011
Colombia's National Anthem
We continue our exploration of the different National Anthems throughout Latin America. This week, we focus on Colombia. Colombia, preciosa tierra de paisajes majestuosos y mujeres bellas, like Ecuador, Colombia is one of the 17 megadiverse countries. Plus, that's where my mom is from. Hola mami!
Himno Nacional de la Republica de Colombia is the official title of the anthem; although, it's commonly known as O, Gloria Inmarcesible. "It was was largely the creation of José Domingo Torres, an actor from Bogotá, who took a poem written by former Colombian president Rafael Núñez and asked a friend, opera singer Oreste Sindici, to set it to music" (wiki entry). Usually, only the chorus and the first verse are sung. I've included the lyrics for your convenience.
Himno Nacional de la Republica de Colombia
¡Oh gloria inmarcesible!
¡Oh júbilo inmortal!
En surcos de dolores
El bien germina ya.
Cesó la horrible noche,
La libertad sublime
Derrama las auroras
De su invencible luz.
La humanidad entera,
Que entre cadenas gimev Comprende las palabras
Del que murió en la cruz
"¡ Independencia!" grita
el mundo americano;
se baña en sangre de héroes
la tierra de Colón.
Pero este gran principio:
"el rey no es soberano".
Resuena, y los que sufren,
Bendicen su pasión.
Del Orinoco el cauce
Se colma de despojos;
De sangre y llanto un río
Se mira allí correr.
En Bárbula no saben,
Las almas ni los ojos,
Si admiración o espanto
Sentir o padecer.
A orillas del Caribe
Hambriento un pueblo lucha.
Horrores prefiriendo
A pérfida salud.
¡Oh si!, de Cartagena
la abnegación es mucha,
y escombros de la muerte
desprecia su virtud.
De Boyacá en los campos
El genio de la gloria,
Con cada espiga un héroe,
Invicto coronó.
Soldados sin coraza
Ganaron la victoria;
Su varonil aliento
De escudo les sirvió.
Bolívar cruza el Ande,
Que riegan dos océanos:
Espadas cual centellas
Fulguran en Junín.
Centauros indomables
Descienden a los llanos,
Y empieza a presentirse
De la epopeya el fin.
La trompa victoriosa
En Ayacucho truena;
Que en cada triunfo crece
Su formidable son.
En su expansivo empuje
La libertad se estrena
Del cielo americano
Formando un pabellón.
La Virgen sus cabellos
Arranca en agonía,
Y de su amor viuda,
Los cuelga del ciprés.
Lamenta su esperanza
Que cubre losa fría,
Pero glorioso orgullo,
Circunda su alba tez.
La patria así se forma
Termópilas brotando;
Constelación de cíclopes
Su noche iluminó.
La flor estremecida,
Mortal el viento hallando,
Debajo los laureles
Seguridad buscó.
Más no es completa gloria
Vencer en la batalla,
Que al brazo que combate
Lo anima la verdad
La independencia sola
El gran clamor no acalla:
Si el sol alumbra a todos,
Justicia es libertad.
Del hombre los derechos
Nariño predicando,
El alma de la lucha
Profético enseñó.
Ricaute en San Mateo,
En átomos volando,
" deber antes que vida",
con llamas escribió.
Erik Barragan
anthony formichella,
axel ito,
erik barragan,
himno nacional,
national anthem,
new madrid
15 September 2011
More pics from Nikka Costa Show
More pics from our Nikka Costa show! Thanks to Antonio Anobile for the awesome shots.
Erik Barragan
Erik Barragan
anthony formichella,
antonio anobile,
axel ito,
erik barragan,
mexicali live,
new madrid,
nikka costa
13 September 2011
National Anthem Project
I've always loved National Anthems; at best, they embody the righteous anger of revolution, or the will to have faith in the midst of war. At worst, they're just an opportunity for a pop-star to show off their vocals. In the coming weeks, I'll be posting different National Anthems from all over Latin America. Consider it auditory traveling.
We begin with Ecuador, whose capital is Quito, and is one of the 17 megadiverse countries. The Ecuadorian National Anthem, titled "Salve, O Patria", was written in 1865 by Juan León Mera and Antonio Neumane. Although, Ecuadorians officially sing only the chorus and the second verse of the composition, the anthem has six verses. I've posted the lyrics under the video. Enjoy!
Salve, O Patria
¡Salve, Oh Patria, mil veces! ¡Oh Patria,
gloria a ti! Ya tu pecho rebosa
gozo y paz, y tu frente radiosa
más que el sol contemplamos lucir.
Indignados tus hijos del yugo
que te impuso la ibérica audacia,
de la injusta y horrenda desgracia
que pesaba fatal sobre ti,
santa voz a los cielos alzaron,
voz de noble y sin par juramento,
de vengarte del monstruo sangriento,
de romper ese yugo servil.
Los primeros los hijos del suelo
que, soberbio, el Pichincha decora
te aclamaron por siempre señora
y vertieron su sangre por ti.
Dios miró y aceptó el holocausto,
y esa sangre fue germen fecundo
de otros héroes que, atónito, el mundo
vio en tu torno a millares surgir.
Cedió al fin la fiereza española,
y hoy, oh Patria, tu libre existencia
es la noble y magnífica herencia
que nos dio el heroísmo feliz:
de las manos paternas la hubimos,
nadie intente arrancárnosla ahora,
ni nuestra ira excitar vengadora
quiera, necio o audaz, contra si.
De esos héroes el brazo de hierro
nada tuvo invencible la tierra
y del valle a la altísima sierra
se escuchaba el fragor de la lid;
tras la lid la victoria volaba,
libertad tras el triunfo venía,
y al león destrozado se oía
de impotencia y despecho rugir
Nadie, oh Patria, lo intente. Las sombras
de tus héroes gloriosos nos miran
y el valor y el orgullo que inspiran
son augurios de triunfos por ti.
Venga el hierro y el plomo fulmíneo,
que a la idea de guerra y venganza
se despierta la heroica pujanza
que hizo al fiero español sucumbir.
Y si nuevas cadenas prepara
la injusticia de bárbara suerte,
¡gran Pichincha! prevén tú la muerte
de la Patria y sus hijos al fin;
hunde al punto en tus hondas entrañas
cuando existe en tu tierra; el tirano
huelle solo cenizas y en vano
busque rastro de ser junto a ti.
Erik Barragan
anthony formichella,
axel ito,
erik barragan,
latin america,
national anthem,
new madrid,
salve o patria
06 September 2011
New Madrid Updates
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Foto by Anna Finke |
Saludos a todos, It's been a very busy two weeks since our last update, so here's a couple of news items to keep you in the loop.
On Saturday, August 20th, we played a little-too-late benefit for the West Memphis Three at Fontanas. I say a little too late because they were released on the 19th of August, one day before we could lend our Spanglish songs to help out. The gig itself was awesome; we finally got to hang out with and listen to our friends The Barrens while drinking beer, tequila and whisky. New Madrid took the stage at 10pm, and everyone bumped and grinded till we were done. At one point, beauties Pepper and Paige climbed onto the stage to dance La Araña!
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Foto by Anna Finke |
Onto another subject, New Madrid will soon begin a Kickstarter Campaign to collect funds to record a new EP. We will have surprises and prizes for those of you who generously give to the cause. More news as they develop.
Finally, this Friday, September 9th, we're playing Citizenmusic's C-Fest 2011, a three night event featuring the best bands New York City has to offer. It starts this Friday at Pianos on the LES, where New Madrid will take the stage at 10pm.
And that's it for our update. Don't forget New Madrid plays at Pianos this Friday, September 9th at 10pm. Go to the facebook invite.
Erik Barragan
anthony formichella,
axel ito,
citizen music,
erik barragan,
new madrid,
the barrens
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