27 October 2011
Argentina's National Anthem
This week, we turn our attention to Argentina, one of U.N.'s founding countries; plus they boast three major advances in the treatment of heart disease. Domingo Liotta designed and developed the first artificial heart successfully implanted in a human being in 1969. René Favaloro developed the techniques and performed the world's first ever coronary bypass surgery, and Francisco de Pedro invented a more reliable artificial cardiac pacemaker.
Argentina's National Anthem (Himno Nacional Argentino) was composed by Blas Parera with lyrics by Vicente López y Planes.
Oíd, mortales, el grito sagrado:
"¡Libertad! ¡Libertad! ¡Libertad!"
Oíd el ruido de rotas cadenas
ved en trono a la noble igualdad
Ya su trono dignísimo abrieron
las Provincias Unidas del Sud
y los libres del mundo responden:
"¡Al gran pueblo argentino, salud!"
"¡Al gran pueblo argentino, salud!"
Y los libres del mundo responden:
"¡Al gran pueblo argentino, salud!"
Y los libres del mundo responden:
"¡Al gran pueblo argentino, salud!"
Sean eternos los laureles,
que supimos conseguir,
que supimos conseguir.
Coronados de gloria vivamos...
o juremos con gloria morir!
O juremos con gloria morir!
O juremos con gloria morir!
Erik Barragan
25 October 2011
Soberano Live at Bowery Electric
Last Tuesday, we played Bowery Electric for the CitizenMusic & Blackbook CMJ Showcase; it was a blast. Our friends Penrose and Toy Soldiers from Philly were among the awesome bands of the night. The Shake's set was adrenaline. Plus, we melted some faces. Fun fucking time.
Here's a video of Soberano. I recommend you maximize the video; it will maximize your enjoyment.
Erik Barragan
Here's a video of Soberano. I recommend you maximize the video; it will maximize your enjoyment.
Erik Barragan
anthony formichella,
axel ito,
blackbook magazine,
bowery electric,
citizen music,
erik barragan,
new madrid,
the shake,
toy soldiers
19 October 2011
Brazil's National Anthem
With all the preparation for CMJ, the hours we're putting at the studio to record our new single and the fact that I was out of town for a wedding, I failed to showcase a Latin American National Anthem last week. Worry not, we're back on track.
I give you Brazil's National Anthem (Hino Nacional Brasileiro), composed by Francisco Manuel da Silva. Historically, the National Anthem was "given two sets of unofficial lyrics before a 1922 decree by President Epitácio Pessoa gave the anthem its definitive, official lyrics, by Osório Duque-Estrada". Give it a listen; let your ears wander.
First Chorus
Ouviram do Ipiranga as margens plácidas
De um povo heróico o brado retumbante,
E o sol da Liberdade, em raios fúlgidos,
Brilhou no céu da Pátria nesse instante.
Se o penhor dessa igualdade
Conseguimos conquistar com braço forte,
Em teu seio, ó Liberdade,
Desafia o nosso peito a própria morte!
Ó Pátria amada,
Salve! Salve!
Brasil, um sonho intenso, um raio vívido,
De amor e de esperança à terra desce,
Se em teu formoso céu, risonho e límpido,
A imagem do Cruzeiro resplandece.
Gigante pela própria natureza,
És belo, és forte, impávido colosso,
E o teu futuro espelha essa grandeza.
Terra adorada
Entre outras mil
És tu, Brasil,
Ó Pátria amada!
Dos filhos deste solo
És mãe gentil,
Pátria amada,
Second Chorus
Deitado eternamente em berço esplêndido,
Ao som do mar e à luz do céu profundo,
Fulguras, ó Brasil, florão da América,
Iluminado ao sol do Novo Mundo!
Do que a terra mais garrida
Teus risonhos, lindos campos têm mais flores,
"Nossos bosques têm mais vida",
"Nossa vida" no teu seio "mais amores". (*)
Ó Pátria amada,
Salve! Salve!
Brasil, de amor eterno seja símbolo
O lábaro que ostentas estrelado,
E diga o verde-louro dessa flâmula
- Paz no futuro e glória no passado.
Mas se ergues da justiça a clava forte,
Verás que um filho teu não foge à luta,
Nem teme, quem te adora, a própria morte.
Terra adorada
Entre outras mil
És tu, Brasil,
Ó Pátria amada!
Dos filhos deste solo
És mãe gentil,
Pátria amada,
Erik Barragan
anthony formichella,
axel ito,
erik barragan,
hino nacional brasilerio,
latin america,
national anthem,
new madrid
17 October 2011
CMJ Promo 2
anthony formichella,
axel ito,
blackbook magazine,
bowery electric,
citizen music,
erik barragan,
new madrid,
new york
10 October 2011
New Madrid CMJ Promo
New Madrid is very excited to announce we will be playing the Citizen Music & Blackbook Magazine CMJ Showcase on Tuesday, October 18th at Bowery Electric. CMJ badge honored and $4 without a badge.
Come support your local New Madrid; we go on at 8. Here's the promo:
Erik Barragan
anthony formichella,
axel ito,
blackbook magazine,
bowery electric,
citizen music,
erik barragan,
new madrid
07 October 2011
Venezuela's National Anthem
We continue our exploration of the different Latin American National Anthems. Today, we turn our attention to Venezuela, land of the Miss Universe schools, telenovelas, Hugo Chavez and one of the top ten exporters of crude oil in the world.
The National Anthem is titled Gloria Al Bravo Pueblo. The lyrics were written by Vicente Salias and the music by Juan Jose Landaeta. It was officially adopted as a National Anthem in 1881. The anthem is also known as La Marsellesa Venezolana (Venezuelan Marseillaise), in reference to its subtle similarity to the French national anthem. I've posted the lyrics below, so you can all sing along.
Gloria Al Bravo Pueblo
Gloria al bravo pueblo
que el yugo lanzó,
la Ley respetando
la virtud y honor.
¡Abajo cadenas!
Gritaba el Señor;
y el pobre en su choza
libertad pidió.
A este santo nombre
tembló de pavor
el vil egoísmo
que otra vez triunfó.
Gritemos con brío
¡Muera la opresión!
Compatriotas fieles,
la fuerza es la unión;
y desde el empíreo,
el Supremo Autor
un sublime aliento
al pueblo infundió.
Unida con lazos
que el cielo formó,
la América toda
existe en nación;
y si el despotismo
levanta la voz
seguid el ejemplo
que Caracas dió.
Erik Barragan
04 October 2011
New Madrid October 7th Promo
We're playing a show at Cameo on Friday, October 7th. We open for Luis Terreros, who is releasing his new album, Trivialidades, that night. No cover!
Here's the flyer. Nos vemos.
Erik Barragan
Here's the flyer. Nos vemos.
Erik Barragan
anthony formichella,
axel ito,
erik barragan,
new madrid,
no cover,
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