20 May 2012
New Madrid goes to Philly
We haven't been to Philadelphia in quite a long time, so we're very excited to return. Especially, since every gig we've played there has been met with warmth and awesome dance moves by the locals. On Wednesday, May 30th, we're playing The Fire with Chappo, also from Brooklyn. So, it's sure to be a rocking night.
On other news, Radio Tranquila is going strong and reaction has been wonderful. If you haven't heard it, just press play on the widget to the right of this post. If you've listened to it already, do it again.
Para Philadelphia nos vamos ya!
Erik Barragan
anthony formichella,
axel ito,
erik barragan,
new madrid,
radio tranquila,
the fire
07 May 2012
Cinco de Mayo Show
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Photo by Kim Tova |
Also, Radio Tranquila, our new single, can be streamed through our music player to the right of this post. I suggest you play it very loudly and dance to it; if you're at work, play it twice as loud and do the Elaine Benes dance.
Enjoy some pictures! (All photos by Kari Pepper except otherwise.)
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Photo by Kim Tova |
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Photo by Cherise TrahanMiller |
Erik Barragan
anthony formichella,
axel ito,
bowery electric,
cinco de mayo,
erik barragan,
inti maldonado,
karolyn pepper,
new beard,
new madrid,
radio tranquila,
the disfunction
05 May 2012
New Single for You
Damas y caballeros!
Radio Tranquila is out of it's cage. In the box titled "Musica", to the right of this post is our music player; there you will find Radio Tranquila. We are proud to present it.
Tonight, at our Cinco de Mayo Single Release Party at The Bowery Electric, we'll be handing out our super high res single free of charge. Also, we'll be selling our New Madrid T-Shirts, customized by Axel Ito himself. New Madrid goes on at 10pm, but the bill starts with The Disfunction at 8pm followed by New Beard at 9pm. Nos vemos pronto!
Erik Barragan
Radio Tranquila is out of it's cage. In the box titled "Musica", to the right of this post is our music player; there you will find Radio Tranquila. We are proud to present it.
Tonight, at our Cinco de Mayo Single Release Party at The Bowery Electric, we'll be handing out our super high res single free of charge. Also, we'll be selling our New Madrid T-Shirts, customized by Axel Ito himself. New Madrid goes on at 10pm, but the bill starts with The Disfunction at 8pm followed by New Beard at 9pm. Nos vemos pronto!
Erik Barragan
anthony formichella,
axel ito,
bowery electric,
erik barragan,
inti maldonado,
new beard,
new madrid,
radio tranquila,
the disfunction
02 May 2012
Cinco de Mayo Promo
After rehearsing our set, Axel and I jammed on a song we've been working on. Anthony shot and edited some video of us. Voila! New promo for our Cinco de Mayo! Single Release! Show! at The Bowery Electric. You're going to fucking love Radio Tranquila. Es que se puede bailar. That's all I'm saying.
New Madrid goes on at 10, but the bill begins at 8pm with The Disfunction from Puerto Rico, New Beard from Brooklyn at 9pm, and Nuevo Madrid a las 10pm. That means New Madrid at 10pm.
See you soon.
Erik Barragan
New Madrid goes on at 10, but the bill begins at 8pm with The Disfunction from Puerto Rico, New Beard from Brooklyn at 9pm, and Nuevo Madrid a las 10pm. That means New Madrid at 10pm.
See you soon.
Erik Barragan
26 April 2012
Radio Tranquila
Our new single, Radio Tranquila, reveals darkness in New Madrid. But, you can dance to it.
The past few months were quiet ones. Well, quiet on the surface. Our attention was focused on recording, writing, taking care of inner turmoils and evolving. It'd be easy if life was just the stage instead of sacrifices and wake up calls. But, that's why we have art. Our shriek in the vacuum of space. Radio Tranquila is our work; a song we've gotten to know so intimately, and speaks to what New Madrid is as a concept and a band.
This Cinco de Mayo is our Single Release Party. Radio Tranquila is free that night. Because you've been there for us; you've sang along; you've gotten on stage and danced your ass off, this is our gift. Our latest work.
Erik Barragan
anthony formichella,
axel ito,
bowery electric,
erik barragan,
inti maldonado,
radio tranquila
16 April 2012
Single de Mayo!
Radio Tranquila is ready! Our new single; our first time working with a producer; we can't wait for you to hear it. It sounds dark, sexy and fun. Working with Inti was not only a pleasure, but a learning experience. Here's to future endeavors. And an upcoming EP. Salud!
The release party will be at The Bowery Electric, on Saturday May 5th. Come one come all.
Erik Barragan
anthony formichella,
axel ito,
bowery electric,
cinco de mayo,
erik barragan,
new madrid,
radio tranquila inti maldonado
09 April 2012
Cinco de Sexy!
Hola amiguitos,
Have you felt our absence? We've been hard at work on music and life, y estamos listos para nuestro retorno. On Saturday, May 5th at 10pm, New Madrid is coming back to The Bowery Electric for our yearly Cinco de Mayo Show. New songs, surprises, new guitar, new sexy. See you all there.
Erik Barragan
Have you felt our absence? We've been hard at work on music and life, y estamos listos para nuestro retorno. On Saturday, May 5th at 10pm, New Madrid is coming back to The Bowery Electric for our yearly Cinco de Mayo Show. New songs, surprises, new guitar, new sexy. See you all there.
Erik Barragan
anthony formichella,
axel ito,
bowery electric,
cinco de mayo,
erik barragan,
new madrid,
27 February 2012
National Anthem Project: Panama
Hola amiguitos, this week lets travel to Panama. Panama unites South America and Central America; it is the home of the Panama Canal; and home of salsa icon Ruben Blades. I've pasted Pedro Navajas right below, one of the most popular salsa songs of all time, and written by Blades.
The Panamian National Anthem is titied Himno Istmeño, music by Santos Jorge and lyrics by Dr. Jeronimo de la Ossa.
Himno Istmeño
Alcanzamos por fin la victoria
En el campo feliz de la unión;
Con ardientes fulgores de gloria
Se ilumina la nueva nación
Con ardientes fulgores de gloria
Se ilumina la nueva nación
Es preciso cubrir con un velo
Del pasado el calvario y la cruz;
Y que adorne el azul de tu cielo
De concordia la espléndida luz.
El progreso acaricia tus lares.
Al compás de sublime canción,
Ves rugir a tus pies ambos mares
Que dan rumbo a tu noble misión.
En tu suelo cubierto de flores
A los besos del tibio terral,
Terminaron guerreros fragores;
Sólo reina el amor fraternal.
Adelante la pica y la pala,
Al trabajo sin más dilación,
Y seremos así prez y gala
De este mundo feraz de Colón.
Erik Barragan
anthony formichella,
axel ito,
erik barragan,
himno istmeño,
himno nacional,
new madrid,
17 February 2012
Valentine's Day and Bowery Electric
Our Valentine's Day show was an impromptu one; it was also one of the most fun shows we've played. We were invited by Jennifer Logue,who played a set that had us dancing, to play the Valentine's Day Masquerade Ball at R Bar. New Madrid loved R Bar. Personally, it made me think of that VH1 show with Bret Michaels, Rock of Love. I say, any time there's dancing, it's a fun night. A shout out to Days Like Months who kicked off the night with gusto.
Dig some pics; notice the strip poles flanking Axel.
Our awesome friend, Joanna Wylomanska, took this shots at our last Bowery Electric show. Gracias Joanna Wylomanska!
We are almost done with our single. You're going to love it. Gracias por su apoyo y su aprecio.
Erik Barragan
Dig some pics; notice the strip poles flanking Axel.
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Foto by Javier Horta |
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Foto by Anna Finke |
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Foto by Anna Finke |
Our awesome friend, Joanna Wylomanska, took this shots at our last Bowery Electric show. Gracias Joanna Wylomanska!
We are almost done with our single. You're going to love it. Gracias por su apoyo y su aprecio.
Erik Barragan
anthony formichella,
axel ito,
bowery electric,
days like months,
erik barragan,
jennifer logue,
new madrid,
R Bar
06 February 2012
New Madrid Updates
Bowery Electric
Last Wednesday, New Madrid played a kick ass show at The Bowery Electric. Our friends, The Shake, were inaugurating their first night of residency at the venue, and as always they rocked the house. A shout out to Toy Soldiers (from Philly) and The Young Things; we've played with both these bands many times, and they always bring it. For New Madrid, it was kind of a crazy night to say the least. Our turn out was fantastic; you all rock! Gracias a todos por completar la noche y por su constante apoyo.
All pictures by Kimberley Anya unless noted otherwise.
New Single
The single is almost fracking done. Ha sido una experiencia excelente. We've worked hard at recording this song; Inti Maldonado has been an invaluable asset, and we can't wait to show you why we love what these sessions have yielded. Read more at Inti Maldonado's website.
Big-Bad Cupid Day! Valentine's Day Masquerade Ball for Singles!
Finally, we're opening for Jennifer Logue at the Big-Bad Cupid Day! Valentine's Day Masquerade Ball for Singles!
Check it:
Let's show Cupid how it's done by rocking out to New Madrid. Salud!
Erik Barragan
Last Wednesday, New Madrid played a kick ass show at The Bowery Electric. Our friends, The Shake, were inaugurating their first night of residency at the venue, and as always they rocked the house. A shout out to Toy Soldiers (from Philly) and The Young Things; we've played with both these bands many times, and they always bring it. For New Madrid, it was kind of a crazy night to say the least. Our turn out was fantastic; you all rock! Gracias a todos por completar la noche y por su constante apoyo.
All pictures by Kimberley Anya unless noted otherwise.
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Photo by Paco Pietsch |
New Single
The single is almost fracking done. Ha sido una experiencia excelente. We've worked hard at recording this song; Inti Maldonado has been an invaluable asset, and we can't wait to show you why we love what these sessions have yielded. Read more at Inti Maldonado's website.
Big-Bad Cupid Day! Valentine's Day Masquerade Ball for Singles!
Finally, we're opening for Jennifer Logue at the Big-Bad Cupid Day! Valentine's Day Masquerade Ball for Singles!
Check it:
Valentine’s Day is a fantastic excuse to party!
Come join us on Tuesday, February 14th for a Valentine’s Day Masquerade Ball where you’ll meet and mingle with sexy singles.
Taking place at R Bar on the Lower East Side, there will be live music from New Madrid and Jennifer Logue, matchmaking games, and a DJ to help us rock the night away.
The evening will feature a DATING AUCTION, where three sexy, single New York ladies will be swept away by the highest bidder,as well as matchmaking games where you can win DINNER FOR TWO and many more!
On a night like this, with so many singles dancing and mingling in one place, anything is possible, and who knows, maybe YOU'LL MEET YOUR MATCH!
So get your costumes ready, turn on the heat, and let’s show Cupid how it’s done!
Let's show Cupid how it's done by rocking out to New Madrid. Salud!
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Photo by Paco Pietsch |
Erik Barragan
anthony formichella,
axel ito,
bowery electric,
erik barragan,
jennifer logue,
new madrid,
R Bar,
the shake,
the young things,
toy soldiers
25 January 2012
New Madrid at The Bowery Electric
Our friends, The Shake, will be playing a residency at The Bowery Electric in February. New Madrid will be playing the opening night of said residency on Wednesday, February 1st. Vamos a tener una noche divertida, rockera e infame. Asi que vengan todos. Everyone, come!
Erik Barragan
anthony formichella,
axel ito,
bowery electric,
erik barragan,
new madrid,
the shake
24 January 2012
National Anthem Project: Paraguay
This week, let's explore Paraguay. Paraguay like Bolivia, is a landlocked country in South America. It only has 6.3 million inhabitants; New York City has 8,175,133. Like Bolivia, Paraguay is a country I know very little about, and it was interesting to learn that it has two official languages, Spanish and Guarani.
Paraguay's National Anthem is called Paraguayos, Republica o Muerte which translates to Paraguayans, Republic or Death. The lyrics were written by Francisco Acuña de Figueroa, but it is unclear (at least, according to wikipedia) who wrote the music.
Paraguayos, Republica o Muerte
Paraguayos, ¡República o Muerte!
nuestro brío nos dio libertad;
ni opresores, ni siervos alientan
donde reinan unión e igualdad.
A los pueblos de América, infausto,
Tres centurias un cetro oprimió,
Mas un día soberbia surgiendo,
¡Basta! dijo..., y el cetro rompió,
Nuestros padres, lidiando grandiosos,
Ilustraron su gloria marcial;
Y trozada la augusta diadema,
Enalzaron el gorro triunfal.
Nueva Roma, la Patria ostentará
Dos caudillos de nombre y valer,
Que rivales, cual Rómulo y Remo,
dividieron gobierno y poder ...
Largos años, cual Febo entre nubes
Viose oculta la perla del Sud,
Hoy un héroe grandioso aparece
Con aplauso la Europa y el Mundo
La saludan, y aclaman también
De heroísmo baluarte invencible
De riquezas magnífico Edén
Cuando entorno rugió la Discordia
Que otros Pueblos fatal devoró,
Paraguayos, el suelo sagrado
Con sus alas un ángel cubrió.
Oh!, cuán pura, de lauro ceñida,
Dulce Patria te ostentas así
En tu enseña se ven los colores
Del zafiro, diamante y rubí.
En tu escudo que el sol ilumina,
Bajo el gorro se mira el león.
Doble imagen de fuertes y libres,
y de glorias, recuerdo y blasón.
De la tumba del vil feudalismo
Se alza libre la Patria deidad;
Opresores, doblad rodilla !
Compatriotas el Himno entonad !
Suene el grito, República o Muerte !
Nuestros pechos lo exhalen con fe,
Y sus ecos repitan los montes
Cual gigantes poniéndose en pie.
¡Libertad y Justicia defiende
Nuestra Patria; Tiranos, oíd!
De sus fueros la carta sagrada
Su heroísmo sustenta en la lid.
Contra el mundo, si el mundo se opone,
Si intentare su prenda insultar,
Batallando vengar la sabremos
O abrazo con ella expirar.
Alza, oh Pueblo, tu espada esplendente
Que fulmina destellos de Dios,
No hay más medio que libre o esclavo
Y un abismo divide a los dos
En las auras el Himno resuene,
Repitiendo con eco triunfal:
¡A los Libres perínclita gloria!
¡A la Patria laurel inmortal!
Erik Barragan
anthony formichella,
axel ito,
erik barragan,
himno nacional,
national anthem,
new madrid,
16 January 2012
National Anthem Project: Bolivia
Today, let's go to Bolivia, a country I don't know much about. Through wikipedia, I learned that it has only ten million inhabitants (NYC has a eight million-plus); "the main language spoken is Spanish, although the Aymara and Quechua languages are also common and all three, as well as 34 other indigenous languages, are official."
"Bolivia's National Anthem also known as Bolivianos, el Hado Propicio (Bolivians, a most Favorable Destiny) was adopted in 1851. José Ignacio de Sanjinés, a signer of both the Bolivian Declaration of Independence and the first Bolivian Constitution, wrote the lyrics. The music was composed by an Italian, Leopoldo Benedetto Vincenti."
Bolivianos: El Hado Propicio
Bolivianos: el hado propicio
coronó nuestros votos y anhelos.
Es ya libre, ya libre este suelo,
ya cesó su servil condición.
Al estruendo marcial que ayer fuera
y al clamor de la guerra horroroso,
siguen hoy, en contraste armonioso,
dulces himnos de paz y de unión.
Siguen hoy, en contraste armonioso,
dulces himnos de paz y de unión.
De la Patria, el alto nombre,
en glorioso esplendor conservemos.
Y en sus aras de nuevo juremos:
¡Morir antes que esclavos vivir!
¡Morir antes que esclavos vivir!
¡Morir antes que esclavos vivir!
Loor eterno a los bravos guerreros,
cuyo heroico valor y firmeza,
conquistaron las glorias que empieza
hoy Bolivia feliz a gozar.
Que sus nombres, en mármol y en bronce,
a remotas edades transmitan,
y en sonoros cantares repitan:
¡Libertad, Libertad, Libertad!
Y en sonoros cantares repitan:
¡Libertad, Libertad, Libertad!
Aquí alzó la justicia su trono
que la vil opresión desconoce,
y en su timbre glorioso legose
libertad, libertad, libertad.
Esta tierra inocente y hermosa
que ha debido a Bolívar su nombre
es la patria feliz donde el hombre
goza el bien de la dicha y la paz.
Es la patria feliz donde el hombre
goza el bien de la dicha y la paz.
Si extranjero poder alqún día
sojuzgar a Bolivia intentare,
al destino fatal se prepare
que amenaza a soberbio invasor.
Que los hijos del grande Bolívar
hayan mil y mil veces jurado:
morir antes que ver humillado
de la Patria el augusto pendón.
Morir antes que ver humillado
de la Patria el augusto pendón.
Erik Barragan
anthony formichella,
axel ito,
erik barragan,
national anthem,
new madrid
12 January 2012
Mandy Gor
Mandy Gor, artist extraordinaire, creative hurricane, New Madrid fan and 1/3 of the people in charge of The Cee Flat Gallery, has been working on portraits for New Madrid. We visited the gallery two weeks ago, where she gave us a tour of the space (fantastic roof!), petted a fluffy kitty, and had a cool and painless photo session. Visit The Cee Flat Gallery's website; check out Mandy's art; it is passionate, clever and full of color. Gracias Mandy!
Mandy has agreed to help me design my own guitar. Well, artistically decorate my Comanche G&L. It'll be like having a brand new guitar; plus, I'll get to doodle!
Erik Barragan
Mandy has agreed to help me design my own guitar. Well, artistically decorate my Comanche G&L. It'll be like having a brand new guitar; plus, I'll get to doodle!
Erik Barragan
anthony formichella,
axel ito,
cee flat gallery,
erik barragan,
mandy gor
04 January 2012
National Anthem Project: Uruguay
"Uruguay was the first South American country to legalize same-sex and different-sex civil unions at a national level, and to allow gay adoption. Uruguay and Bolivia were the only countries in the Americas which did not go into recession (2 consecutive quarters of retraction) as a result of the Late-2000s financial crisis. In 2009, Uruguay became the first nation in the world to provide every school child with a free laptop and internet. It was the first nation in the Americas to test hemp cultivation. Uruguay is reimbursed by the UN for the majority of its military spending, because the majority of its military is deployed as UN peacekeepers".Interesting, yeah?
Lyrics by Francisco Acuña de Figueroa and music composed by Francisco José Debali with the collaboration of Fernando Quijano.
Himno Nacional de Uruguay
Orientales la Patria o la Tumba!
Libertad o con gloria morir!
Orientales la Patria o la Tumba!
Libertad o con gloria morir!
Es el voto que el alma pronuncia,
Y que heroicos sabremos cumplir!
Es el voto que el alma pronuncia,
Y que heroicos sabremos cumplir!
Que sabremos cumplir!
Es el voto que el alma pronuncia,
Y que heroicos sabremos cumplir!
Que sabremos cumplir!
Sabremos cumplir!
Sabremos cumplir!
Sabremos cumplir!
Libertad, libertad Orientales!
Este grito à la Patria salvó.
Que a sus bravos en fieras batallas
De entusiasmo sublime inflamó.
Libertad, libertad Orientales!
Este grito à la Patria salvó.
Que a sus bravos en fieras batallas
De entusiasmo sublime inflamó.
De este don sacrosanto la gloria
Merecimos: tiranos temblad!
Tiranos temblad!
Tiranos temblad!
Libertad en la lid clamaremos,
Y muriendo, también libertad!
Libertad en la lid clamaremos,
Y muriendo, también libertad!
Y muriendo, también libertad!
También libertad!
También libertad!
Orientales la Patria o la Tumba!
Libertad o con gloria morir!
Orientales la Patria o la Tumba!
Libertad o con gloria morir!
Es el voto que el alma pronuncia,
Y que heroicos sabremos cumplir!
Es el voto que el alma pronuncia,
Y que heroicos sabremos cumplir!
Que sabremos cumplir!
Es el voto que el alma pronuncia,
Y que heroicos sabremos cumplir!
Que sabremos cumplir!
Sabremos cumplir!
Sabremos cumplir!
Sabremos cumplir!
Erik Barragan
anthony formichella,
axel ito,
erik barragan,
himno nacional,
national anthem,
new madrid,
03 January 2012
I Don't Like Your Tone Show
Happy New Year, everybody! Espero que hayan quemado el año como yo, partying with family and friends. New Madrid would like to thank one such friend, Anna Finke, for securing us tickets to the very last performance of the Merce Cunningham Dance Company. Anna worked as a costume designer for the legendary company. The last performance took place at the Park Avenue Armory, a beautiful and elegant building; the inside is fit for New York royalty, stained glass windows, gleaming, rustic wooden staircases and furniture, and the performance space looked like a hangar; a plane could have fit there. The dancers were amazing that night; there was fire behind all of their eyes, and their bodies moved swiftly and gracefully to the pieces of strange, atonal music. It was a work of art, and we were there as history was happening.
Moving on, our first show of the year is a great one. On Thursday, January 19th New Madrid is playing a set for the One-Year Anniversary of I Don't Like Your Tone. I Don't Like Your Tone is a comedy show at The Parkside Lounge. It happens every third Thursday of the month. Our friend Chrissy Mayr will be hosting (va va va boom, boys and girls!). You'll laugh and you'll dance. Don't miss it.
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Craig Hillelson and Chrissy Mayr |
New Madrid recommendation: Watch the movie Hamlet 2. Not everyone's cup of tea, but I was in stitches. See you at the Parkside Lounge on Thursday, the 19th of January, 2012.
Erik Barragan
anna finke,
anthony formichella,
axel ito,
chrissy mayr,
erik barragan,
merce cunningham,
new madrid,
park avenue armory
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