03 January 2012

I Don't Like Your Tone Show

Happy New Year, everybody! Espero que hayan quemado el año como yo, partying with family and friends. New Madrid would like to thank one such friend, Anna Finke, for securing us tickets to the very last performance of the Merce Cunningham Dance Company. Anna worked as a costume designer for the legendary company. The last performance took place at the Park Avenue Armory, a beautiful and elegant building; the inside is fit for New York royalty, stained glass windows, gleaming, rustic wooden staircases and furniture, and the performance space looked like a hangar; a plane could have fit there. The dancers were amazing that night; there was fire behind all of their eyes, and their bodies moved swiftly and gracefully to the pieces of strange, atonal music. It was a work of art, and we were there as history was happening.

Moving on, our first show of the year is a great one. On Thursday, January 19th New Madrid is playing a set for the One-Year Anniversary of I Don't Like Your Tone. I Don't Like Your Tone is a comedy show at The Parkside Lounge. It happens every third Thursday of the month. Our friend Chrissy Mayr will be hosting (va va va boom, boys and girls!). You'll laugh and you'll dance. Don't miss it.

Craig Hillelson and Chrissy Mayr

New Madrid recommendation: Watch the movie Hamlet 2. Not everyone's cup of tea, but I was in stitches. See you at the Parkside Lounge on Thursday, the 19th of January, 2012.

Erik Barragan