26 April 2012

Radio Tranquila

Our new single, Radio Tranquila, reveals darkness in New Madrid. But, you can dance to it.

The past few months were quiet ones. Well, quiet on the surface. Our attention was focused on recording, writing, taking care of inner turmoils and evolving. It'd be easy if life was just the stage instead of sacrifices and wake up calls. But, that's why we have art. Our shriek in the vacuum of space. Radio Tranquila is our work; a song we've gotten to know so intimately, and speaks to what New Madrid is as a concept and a band.

This Cinco de Mayo is our Single Release Party. Radio Tranquila is free that night. Because you've been there for us; you've sang along; you've gotten on stage and danced your ass off, this is our gift. Our latest work.

Erik Barragan